Marcia's Poem of the Week 6.23.2023
Marcia's poem of the week “MIRACLES”
John 6: 1-14 After this, Jesus crossed over to the far side of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Tiberias. 2 A huge crowd kept following him wherever he went, because they saw his miraculous signs as he healed the sick. 3 Then Jesus climbed a hill and sat down with his disciples around him. 4 (It was nearly time for the Jewish Passover celebration.) 5 Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” 6 He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do. 7 Philip replied, “Even if we worked for months, we wouldn’t have enough money to feed them!” 8 Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. 9 “There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?” 10 “Tell everyone to sit down,” Jesus said. So they all sat down on the grassy slopes. (The men alone numbered about 5,000.) 11 Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted. 12 After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.” 13 So they picked up the pieces and filled twelve baskets with scraps left by the people who had eaten from the five barley loaves. 14 When the people saw him do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!”
Ephesians 1:5 “God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by
bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and
it gave him great pleasure.”
Miracles come from our Lord,
Because He is the head of all things,
He makes a way through His word,
Because of what His love brings.
For He has access to many resources,
And can bring forth what a family needs,
Gathering five barley loaves and two fishes,
He miraculously fed five thousand families.
Give thanks when fed and comforted,
For He is able to give in many ways,
For you are also clothed and sheltered,
As the Lord is watching over your days.
You need not underestimate His power,
Or be surprised by the miracles raised,
Keep your mind and heart alert each hour,
So as to see God's miracles being made.
Marcia Riehle 2023
Poem of the week for Jeremiah, Tobiah and Elijah. Key Verse: Ephesians
2:19 "For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's
God gifts you with a family,
-siblings, mother and father,
That offer support and security,
-and are celebrated with honor.
They touch your mind and heart,
-with tenderness and care,
And with you they talk and walk,
-And help you to share.
Your parents know what you care for,
-and know how you feel,
And they bring hugs galore,
-to show you their love is real.
Your parents
pay close attention,
-and has so much energy,
That they exude calm affection,
Your parents live life fearless,
-caring for you consistently,
With joy and cheerfulness,
-In a safe and loving family.
GG 2023
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