Marcia's Poem of the Week 2.11.2022


Poem of the week by Marcia 2/11/2022


Colossians 1: 9-10.  9) So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We asked God to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10) then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

At age four, I rode my tricycle in front of our apartment. A woman from the Salvation Army invited me to Sunday School. She taught Bible stories and the part that stuck with me was God being my heavenly Father. When I came to realize that I had a heavenly Father that cared, I also learned that I could talk to Him through prayer. As well, the Church became my family. The church is your family too. The family of God needs your time, presence and prayer. And I believe you need His time, presence and care.

PRAY FOR THE CHURCH  Colossians 1: 9-10

Pray for the believers of God's Word,
And for the church to be faithful,
Pray for fellowship with the Lord,
Come, worship at His table.
Come hungry for a taste of revival,
Be prepared to sing and pray,
Come hear the Words from the bible,
For the Word is alive today.
Come worship and fellowship together,
And show love and kindness here,
Come learn to help one another,
And share time together in prayer.
We're a long-way from being perfect,
But God's love covers us all,
And His grace makes us united,
Enabling us to hear His call.
Welcome, for you are all invited,
The Word is yours to be heard,
There's every reason to be excited,
Come, hear God's Life-giving Word.
Marcia Riehle 2022

Poem for my great grandsons: Jeremiah, Tobiah and Elijah.
God's instructions are the kind,
That's like a parent filled with love,
He has the very best in mind,
To keep you within His reach thereof.
He wants only what's good for you,
And for you to know His intention,
He wants you to follow through,
And learn to obey Him without question.
For you are so much like Him,
You're good and pure to the bone,
So, continue to pray and praise Him,
And thank Him for what He's done.
Marcia Riehle 2022



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