Marcia's Poem of the Week 10.01.2021


Marcia's Poem of the Week 10.01.2021

 “ OBEDIENCE”  -  Reflection on 1 Samuel 28:5-7 & 11-18.

 Saul's jealousy of David drove him to madness and a thirst for revenge. More than once, King Saul disobeyed God's instructions, thinking he knew better.

1 Samuel 28:5-7 & 11-18: 5 When Saul saw the vast Philistine army, he became frantic with fear. 6 He asked the Lord what he should do, but the Lord refused to answer him, either by dreams or by sacred lots or by the prophets. 7 Saul then said to his advisers, “Find a woman who is a medium, so I can go and ask her what to do.” His advisers replied, “There is a medium at Endor. “11 Finally, the woman said, “Well, whose spirit do you want me to call up?” Call up Samuel,” Saul replied. 12 When the woman saw Samuel, she screamed, “You’ve deceived me! You are Saul!”13 “Don’t be afraid!” the king told her. “What do you see?” I see a god coming up out of the earth,” she said. 14 “What does he look like?” Saul asked. He is an old man wrapped in a robe,” she replied. Saul realized it was Samuel, and he fell to the ground before him.15 “Why have you disturbed me by calling me back?” Samuel asked Saul. Because I am in deep trouble,” Saul replied. “The Philistines are at war with me, and God has left me and won’t reply by prophets or dreams. So I have called for you to tell me what to do.”16 But Samuel replied, “Why ask me, since the Lord has left you and has become your enemy? 17 The Lord has done just as he said he would. He has torn the kingdom from you and given it to your rival, David. 18 The Lord has done this to you today because you refused to carry out his fierce anger against the Amalekites.




Obedience is being ready to hear,

And not letting God's word fall on deaf ear,

And opening your eyes to fully see,

How an obedient life can come to be.


For God inspires the good in you,

And teaches how to love people too,

So allow the Lord much needed space,

To keep you in His love and grace.


Learn to be receptive to His ways,

And serve Him faithfully all of your days,

For God awakens you from your sleep,

To set you apart and make you complete.


Listen for Him to call your name,

And let go of your fears, failures or shame,

God knows your weakness and He'll show care,

And when you feel alone He's always there.



Dear Lord, please open my heart,

And allow Your love to set me apart,

And put together all I'll need,

To obey You in every good deed. Amen!


Marcia Riehle 2021




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