Marcia's Poem of the Week 7.09.2021
Marcia's Poem of the Week “A JOYFUL HEART”
Reflecting on Proverbs 17:22
“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit
dries up the bones”
A JOYFUL HEART Proverbs 17:22
When your spirit's crushed,
And dries up your bones,
Seek the Lord to refresh,
For you're not alone.
Just bring your crushed spirit,
To the Lord in prayer.
His promises are infinite,
And He'll bless you there.
Joy will flood your heart,
Bringing your bones to life,
And God's love will impart.
A wholeness that will purify.
For joy inspires believing,
No medicine is greater,
And joy promotes healing,
A gift from your Savior.
Marcia Riehle 2021
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