Marcia's Poem of the Week 11.26.2021
Poem of the Week by Marcia “ I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU ” 11/26/21 Scripture discussed: Luke 17:15-16 “ One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back to Jesus shouting “Praise God.” He fell to the ground at Jesus' feet, thanking Him for what He had done.” "I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU" I am thankful for believers like you, For the things I see and hear, You may not think it true, But you fill my heart with cheer. When you're in the church pew, Perhaps you think no one sees you, But when the music begins to play, I'm thankful you're there too. When you say a prayer, Perhaps you think no one hears you, But you talked to God there, And I'm thankful for your prayers too. When you bring a bag of food, Perhaps you think no one sees you, But it is for those in need, And I'm thankful for your kindness too. When you bring a covered dish, Perhaps you think no one sees you, But it is my favorite, ...